Highly motivated Data Analyst and Full Stack Software Engineer with a strong background in Actuarial Science, three actuarial certifications, and published scientific papers. Proven track record in product development, pricing strategy, and conducting complex simulations in leading financial institutions.
Adept at R, Python, MySQL, and web development, delivering advanced predictive models and web applications as a freelance professional. Continuously seeking to learn, contribute to open-source projects, and make a lasting impact in the tech world. Eager to leverage data insights and cutting-edge technologies to drive business growth and excel in new challenges.

Bachelor of Actuarial Science

Graduated in 2023 at Universitas Padjadjaran, Bandung, Indonesia

Obtained three actuarial certifications from the local Society of Actuaries (PAI). Her academic record is outstanding, receiving recognition through prestigious scholarships. She has demonstrated strong research capabilities, publishing two scientific papers, and completed several Python projects certified by AWS Machine Learning Foundation. Additionally, she possess valuable leadership experience, having served as Chief of DPA Himaktu FMIPA Unpad and Head of Events Division on KPU Kema FMIPA Unpad.


Product Actuary at PFI Mega Life Insurance

From Oct 2022 until now in South Jakarta, Indonesia

  • Responsible for product development and pricing support throughout various channel distributions such as OJK Filling, UAT Test, adjusting Policy Pack, and Product Summaries.
  • Prepared Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK) filing for new and revision of products for conventional and sharia products as per the new SEOJK 5.
  • Conducted competitiveness analysis, customer behavior, and market research which resulted in 9+ decks and 5 products approved by OJK to reach a higher market share of insurance products throughout various channel distribution (Bancassurance, Agency, etc.).
  • Product launch administration supports including development of marketing and sales tools.
  • Supported Partnership Distribution & Other Channel’s Process related to PAYDI compliance.

Actuary Intern at Bank Rakyat Indonesia

From Mar 2022 to Sep 2022 in Central Jakarta, Indonesia

  • Conducted pension plan simulation for 20+ companies in Indonesia (estimated regular premium and reserving service liabilities of each employee) based on current regulations that are valid by considering client needs and customers’ ability to fulfill employee benefits.
  • Implemented the calculation of Uang Pesangon (Severance Pay), Uang Penghargaan Masa Kerja (Long Service Pay), Uang Penggantian Hak (Compensation Rights Pay), and Uang Pisah (Separation Pay) based local regulations using Excel Macros.
  • Created an Investment Portfolio Optimization template for Mutual Funds and Government Bond in Python (using CAPM and Efficient Frontier).
  • Created a Custom Boilerplate for Employee Benefit funding using VBA that has been used for simulating BRI Programs exclusively for 20+ companies throughout Indonesia.

Data Analyst Intern at Asosiasi Asuransi Syariah Indonesia (AASI)

From Aug 2021 to Oct 2021 in East Jakarta, Indonesia

  • Researched sharia insurance trends to implement strategies regarding increasing market share, forecasting contribution (premium) with time series models, and provided some solutions related to mutual coverage with co-insurance schemes using R as a tool.
  • Developed some materials on sharia insurance performance summary, analyzed its ROA, ROE, contribution fund (premium), and claim fund. Created 10+ suitable infographics and its explanation of why it could happen, what we should do, and what the markets imply. All the materials are presented at AASI member gathering events.
  • Reviewed pricing method of sharia insurance relative to conventional insurance, analyzed the impact of surplus/(deficit) underwriting to claim reserve, calculated, and evaluated quota share and stop loss retention on sharia general insurance.

  • Data Analyst:
    • AWS SageMaker
    • BigQuery
    • Looker Studio
    • MySQL
    • PostgreSQL
    • Python
    • R
    • VBA
  • Backend:
    • AWS
    • Docker
    • GCP
    • Go
    • Prisma
  • Frontend:
    • Astro
    • HTML & CSS
    • JavaScript
    • Next.js
    • React
    • Svelte
    • TypeScript
    • Vue
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